Kim Hawkins

Kim Hawkins is an author, homeschooler, and overcomer. She has journeyed through much in her years as a woman, wife, and mother. Through these journeys through infertility, adoption, having two sons that are six months apart in age, and a rare brain condition that led to her needing two brain surgeries within the same year. All these battles were conquered by the grace of God. She is “clothed in strength” which comes from her relationship with God. Our Children’s Ministry has the benefit of her teaching experience of over 12 years and strong love of developing and combining curricula to suit the needs of our NextGen kids. From her career in the nonprofit sector, she brings a strong love of organization and project management to our team as the Staff Coordinator.  Kim is a native Houstonian, a graduate of Memorial High School and Texas A&M University.  She spends most of her time with her husband, two sons, two dogs, and a cat.